How Does Selfie Verification Work?
Selfie Verification consists of one simple step: taking a video selfie. You will receive "Selfie Verified" status if the person in your video selfie passes both the Liveness Check and 3D Face Authentication steps.
Please note: this is an optional feature but is a great addition to your profile and lets other members know you're the real deal!
The Liveness Check detects the face in your video and helps us determine whether the video was taken by a real, live person, and that it was not digitally altered or manipulated. 3D Face Authentication detects your face in your video selfie and your profile photos, and uses face geometry to generate unique numeric “templates.” These templates are used to help check whether the person in your video selfie is the same person as in your profile photos. We don’t collect face geometry data from group photos, so you’ll need a solo photo.
Your face geometry data, which may be considered biometric data in some jurisdictions, is deleted within 24 hours. Your video selfie is deleted and is not added to your profile, but we keep one screenshots from your video selfie for the purposes of auditing and managing this feature.
Once your selfie verification has been approved you will get a blue check mark added to your profile.
How do you use the face geometry data?
We only use your face geometry data for the purpose of Selfie Verification. To perform the selfie verification process, we share your face geometry data and screenshots with Match Group, LLC., a Match Group company which operates this feature upon our instructions and on our behalf, as our service provider. They store and use your face geometry data and screenshots on their Amazon Web Service (AWS) instances. This information and screenshots are deleted from their Amazon Web Services instances in the timeframes laid out below under “What will you keep after verification is complete?”. If you want to learn more about AWS’s privacy practices, you can click here. We do not share your face geometry data and screenshots with any other third parties.
What will you keep after verification is complete?
We will keep two screenshots from your video selfie during the life of your account to audit and manage our selfie verification feature. These screenshots are deleted upon account closure, in accordance with our Privacy Policy. We’ll also keep the results of the Selfie Verification process (e.g., verified or not). We do not keep the underlying face geometry data or “template” beyond the Selfie Verification process (which is usually complete within 24 hours). We do not keep your video selfie.
Under what legal authority do you process the Photo Verification information?
We process the Selfie Verification information with your consent and in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
How do I find more information about your data practices, including my privacy rights?
Visit our Privacy Policy to learn more about our privacy practices, including the Your Rights section.